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Recognising and Rewarding
Skills & Achievements

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A World Leading Digital Badging Platform

Used in over 100 countries around the world, is a leading IMS-certified digital badging platform which enables educators and organisations across the world to accredit, reward and recognise individuals for their skills, knowledge and achievements. 

The only digital badging platform which can be fully white labelled as your own, is easy-to-use and flexible in supporting digital badging programmes both large and small.

Reward & Support


From independent award schemes to large digital badging programmes recognising skills and development, supports universities, colleges and schools across the world in rewarding and motivating student engagement throughout academia, extra-curricular, employability and beyond.

Engage & Promote

Professional & Awarding Bodies

Working with a number of leading professional and awarding bodies across the world, brings accreditation and recognition to the digital realm. Supporting engagement and growing brand awareness, digital badges enable members to share their credentials across online communities, social media and beyond.

Recognise Skills

Corporate supports reward and recognition of skills and development from individual employees, to teams and professions organisation wide.  Through unique and verifiable digital badges, organisations can track skills uptake, identify skills shortages and support employee training and development. improves our customer experience by promoting their hard-earned accreditations.

Carmen A. Catizone, MS, Rph, DPh, Executive Director, National Association of Boards of Pharmacy,

Digital badges has created an instant buzz on LinkedIn and other platforms with members sharing their credentials, gaining recognition, and providing profile for our brand."

Janet Payne, Head of Product Service and Delivery, Institute of Leadership & Management

Digital badges allows our volunteers to show off their great efforts while promoting the volunteer program and the great work we do here at CDISC."

Loreen Ortega, Volunteer Coordinator, CDISC

Verify Skills

Issue badges for completing tasks, assignments, challenges, attending events and more.

Recognise Achievements

Support and encourage staff or student development through recognising learning milestones and enabling them to share their achievements with their online community. 

Safe & Secure

Use safe in the knowledge that your badges are valid and secure thanks to our IMS Global Certification. 

Spread Brand Awareness

Spread awareness of your brand and encourage recipients to share their Open Badges across any social media platform.

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