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MyKnowledgeMap Showcases MyProgress at AMEE 2023

The MyKnowledgeMap team had a fantastic time at the AMEE 2023 conference in Glasgow. It was wonderful to catch up with lots of familiar faces and customers, and to connect with so many new ones. 

The event was a very busy one, with lots of interest in MyProgress, the MyKnowledgeMap workplace-based assessment and e-portfolio tool. Paul, Tom, and Tess manned the stand, and had lots of exciting and insightful conversations with delegates from around the globe about how clinical assessment works in their country and institution, and discussing how MyProgress would support them. 

MyKnowledgeMap at AMEE 2023


Measuring EPAs with the Irish College of General Practitioners

There were world-leading speakers from many countries. One of the on-demand communications, titled ‘Designing a dashboard for EPA data’ was presented by Karena Hanley, and authored by Karena Hanley and Brian McEllistrem, of the Irish College of General Practitioners (ICGP), in Ireland.  

The presentation explores how ICGP use MyProgress to deal with the large amount of data EPAs produce to give an 'at a glance' depiction of trainee engagement and progression. The short communication can be viewed or downloaded here. 


Some popular themes of conversations included: 


The ‘entrustable professional activity’, or EPA concept that enables faculty to make competency-based decisions on the level of supervision required by a student. At MyKnowledgeMap we have done a lot of work around measuring EPAs to make sure that MyProgress can give you an ‘at a glance’ depiction of progression and entrustment, colour coded by supervision level. As well as this quick snapshot overview, there is also the ability to delve deeper into the detail of the feedback. 

Below is an example of an EPA dashboard we created in collaboration with ICGP. It begins with the student dashboard, and later moves on to show the programme director dashboard. In this instance, 18 EPAs are being measured using five-point scale which ranges from yellow/green for ‘requires close supervision’ towards blue/purple for ‘ready for independent practice’. The more colour appears in a ‘slice’ shows that a student has been assessed more times. 

Heat of the moment feedback

One key feature of MyProgress is the ability to capture feedback in the heat of the moment. As the student carries their assessments with them in their phone, when an opportunity to be assessed arises, the student hands the assessment form on their device over to the doctor or clinician to complete there and then, without the need for internet. The assessment uploads to the student’s portfolio when the device next connects to the internet. 

This method of collecting feedback as the assessment is being conducted (rather than two weeks later on paper, when everyone is struggling to recall the occasion) improves the quality of the feedback substantially.  

Mobile assessment

As mentioned previously, the MyProgress app doesn’t require internet to function. This enables users to be assessed in challenging situations such as remote areas where internet isn’t available, and in hospitals where internet coverage is patchy. Its intuitive interface allows clinicians to carry out and sign off assessments in busy situations. 

Student-led approach 

As the student’s MyProgress app has all the assessments they need to complete for the current year in, it puts the student in full control of their learning. The student is aware of what procedures or skills they need to be assessed on, and when the opportunity arises, the student initiates the assessment. This student-led approach to learning and assessment encourages students to think for themselves, rather than simply following instructions. 

MyProgress workplace-based assessment and eportfolio

Sign-off security 

MyProgress offers different workflows around assessment sign-off, depending on the level of security required. For more summative assessments, for example at the end of practice rotation, a stricter approach to sign-off will likely be required compared to more formative assessments and feedback. As MyProgress is tailored to each institution this is easily catered for. Options to sign off assessments include clinicians having an account (for greater security), or simply emailing a receipt to an approved domain for more standard security. 


If you would like to learn more about how MyProgress could support your medicine or healthcare programme, or to arrange a demonstration, please contact us at:  

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